Saturday, August 30, 2008


After so long, finally, i found the mood to write something here again. Again, I MISS HOME.
Due to final exam, i've decided to stay in hostel for three weeks without going back, the purpose, to study, study and study. But unlike last time, i can't manage to concentrate much in my studies. maybe it is because of the changes in environment, and probably it is because my laptop is tempting me every second every minute whenever i sit down infront of my study table preparing to tackle down each and everyone of my syllabus. During this period of time i'll be in the world of books, where all i can see is book, talk book, and probably listen book, but for this sem, something changed me. I have become more relax when it comes to exam. Somehow, the answer is within me, why did this happen, but i can't admit it loud and clear because this is the path i choose. Maybe everything seems perfect now, but deep down in my heart, it might not be wat i wanted. but wat can i do...? I've come this far... i can't give up now and waste everyone's effort rite? How i wish, my heart is as tough as steel, but no... i need to think about others too. I'm tired of striving for the best in exams, i've miss so many things along the way. In a way, exam is a waste of time, because it stop you from doing the most important thing, such as being with ur family.
It wouldn't be exaggerating to say that, due to exam i've become emotionless. All i do is reading from a book, wat emotion can i get? Well, probably a worried look whenever there is something i dun understand or i dun seem to remember. And it affects my reading behaviour for the rest of the day, in which i might not be able to concentrate on other subjects.
But nevertheless, no matter wat results i've achieved, i've done my best, and there is nothing i can change anymore. So gambateh and all the best!!!

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